
Is anxiety keeping you awake?

Have you ever found yourself struggling to make a decision about your life? Ever stayed awake at night feeling stuck? There may well be three little triggers affecting...

Five ways I’m learning to be a new me…

I'm really trying hard to live an honest and authentic life. All too often I slip back into my ego driven self, but when I have glimpses of living ego-less I feel like...

The value of honesty.

A very dear friend of mine came for lunch this week, and we spent considerable time talking about the challenge of being totally honest when it comes to work. To be...

mum’s special word

A new word has slipped into mum's vocabulary these past months when she is talking to me. The word is "unconditionally". In birthday cards, at the end of phone calls or...

what is this all about?

It had to happen someday ... I always felt I was destined for the blog-o-sphere!  So, what will this be about?  Honesty and bravery.   In everything I do and everything...